Monday, March 19, 2007

Graduation day changes

Some chaos here at ISB because of sudden change in the graduation day ceremony. Earlier, the convocation was planned for the evening, now it’s been moved to morning session. I have invited my sister, bro-in-law and little niece besides my parents for the event. So my complete family is going to be here. With this change in convocation, I have spend my last two hours to redo all the flight bookings etc.

This was somewhat upsetting because now my sister with her infant baby will have to take a midnight flight to reach here. But had no choice except canceling their visit, which would have been very busy.

I should now get back to some pre-reading of the case. I will just take a glance for about 15 minutes. Can't do more. Its important to do at least that much because without that I wouldn't be able to make out anything in class and will feel extremely bore sitting there.

More later...

1 comment:

Shekhar said...

Best of Luck Buddy...
